Wednesday, 15 September 2010

A few little things.

Well, I realise I've been a bit lax on the blog front, I apologise, but I haven't felt I've done anything worth typing about.

I've had a few interviews which I thought went well but I did not get the positions, sigh. However, there are more prospects ahead so I'm remaining positive(ish).

Ok, well, since my last blog I have been out and about a little more, including an adventure to Taipei 101. It's huge. I went in the evening and all around the outside are trees covered in lights that reminded me of the South Bank in winter. It was very pretty and made me a little homesick, not that I live in or particularly like London, but it made me think of home nonetheless. I didn't venture to the top, I think that's something for another day, so there's still plenty more to look forward to.

Last night I suffered my first bout of illness. We can't really figure out what happened, but we were walking around Blockbuster one minute, and the next my stomach felt like it was going to explode, so I ran home and was pretty sick. I don't know if it was something I ate or anything, Mike suggested (only half-jokingly, I suspect) that my body had had enough of the humidity and wanted to make sure I realised that. Maybe that's true, I don't know. Anyway, I'm feeling much better now.

I've also made the vaguest hint of a start at possibly learning Chinese. I've decided to do it baby-style, ie. the way that children here learn the language. This starts with learning the bopomofo, which is like a simplified version of the characters so I can get pronounciation right. Maybe I'll be a whizz by the time I'm home! My other option was PinYin which is the romanized version of the language. However, because in my head the letters I recognise are associated with sounds I know, I don't think I'll be pronouncing things properly and so I'm throwing myself in the deep end, hopefully I'll swim.

Vincent is very cute at the moment he keeps saying "uh-oh" whenever something goes wrong, or something is dropped or knocked over. However, he's now taken to saying it whenever he likes. This means that if he throws something or hides something or anything along those lines he will say "uh-oh". Hmm. It's really quite funny. The other thing he's started doing is "ready, steady, go". Although he can't say it exactly you can definitely tell it's that, it's kind of an "eddy, eddy, ooooo". Very funny.

Will try to write more regularly in the future. Brownies Honour.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear about the sickness, at least you are feeling better now. Fingers and toes crossed that a fantastic job comes your way very soon. love you x
